1. General First steps ↓
How to prepare a fresh install on raspberry pi. Installations needed to run the main installer later
Update and upgrade the system (if you haven't done already so):
Note: If you are in China, you might need to install a VPN in your raspbian to have quick handshakes with GitHub later. Recommendation for an easy to use cli base VPN would be express-vpn. 🤨
Next is to Install git:
Create a safer git up
You might ask why? It's because, later we would be using our UI to get latest version of the cloned firmware. Manually if we have to do it we would use, git pull
in the cloned repository. But this time we would be using the UI script and it is not recommended to use git pull from a script.
[TBD] Configure git to save your credentials:
[TBD] Setup in organisation's git account, ssh keys off all the pi's we want to install these on
Add a sourcing .bashrc
Append to the end of the file:
Now check python3 installation and install pip3:
If it is not installed, update to Python3
On a first fresh install, if you run:
So install pip3 and setup-tools:
To have serial port access from scripts that are run by the current user, in linux, you need to add that user to dialout
System is ready for next steps. 🤓
Install yq:
Install some dependencies, may be required by PIL (Python Imaging Library) later:
Enable Serial on pi
Disable Console over HW serial
Enable HW serial
Last updated